Mission and Objectives
Like Mendonça himself, the Chair will discuss in a transnational, pluriepistemic and multidisciplinary way the dehumanization and annihilation of cosmologies, peoples and epistemologies in the Atlantic space as a result of the modern pan-European colonial-capitalist project. It will seek to offer a greater understanding of the colonial formation, the subalternization and exploitation of Native and African peoples. As well as the encounter with the colonizers with regard to the convergence of cosmologies, epistemologies and artistic practices involved, and their legacy in the contemporary world. Based on the evidence of the legal debate in the Vatican, which involved the Propaganda Fide, the Congregation of the Roman Curia responsible for the evangelization of peoples throughout the world, the Chair also aims to participate in the discussion and promotion of ethical, material and economic reparation in the Americas and Africa.
To promote a critique of colonial formation in the Atlantic space (Europe, Brazil, African countries);
Evaluate the effects and continuity of coloniality in Brazil and African countries;
Discuss and implement decoloniality and counter-coloniality in academia and civil society;
Debate reparations and justice related to the capital-colonialist system today;
Elaborate a multifaceted understanding of the colonial formation focusing the relationship between Brazil and Africa in its historical and contemporary dimensions;
Combat the consequences of colonial formation in a holistic way, especially racism;
Deepen knowledge of the multiple Africas and their colonial formations in Brazil;
Draw up proposals and public policies for reparation.