

Maria Lucia Oliveira de Souza Formigoni


Taiza Stumpp Teixeira

Deputy Director

Representatives of the Baixada Santista Campus

Fabio Ruiz Simões

Hanna Karen Moreira Antunes

Representatives of the Diadema Campus

Marcelo Afonso Vallim

Luciano de Figueiredo Borges

Representatives of the Guarulhos Campus

Andréa Slemian

Ângela Brandão

Representatives of the Osasco Campus

Luciana Massaro Onusic


Representatives of the São José dos Campos Campus

Elbert Einstein Nehrer Macau

Maria Elizete Kunkel

Representatives of the São Paulo Campus

Isabel Cristina Céspedes

Dulce Aparecida Barbosa

Student representative

Douglas Manoel Antonio De Abreu Pestana Dos Santos

Representative of Administrative Technicians in Education (TAE)

Rafael Guzella de Carvalho

Francisco Sandro Menezes Rodrigues

Representative of the broad areas of Engineering and Exact and Earth Sciences

Marcelo Benvenuti

Altay Alves Lino de Souza

Representative of the broad areas of Biological Sciences, Health Sciences and Agricultural Sciences

Paulo Hilario Nascimento Saldiva

Guilherme Ary Plonski

Representative of the broad areas of Human Sciences, Applied Social Sciences and Linguistics, Literature and Arts

Renato Janine Ribeiro

Mario Vitor Parreira Santos

Representative of the Culture Area

Martin Grossmann

Regina Silvia Viotto Monteiro Pacheco

 Intellectual / scientist from Unifesp

Olgária Matos

Javier Amadeo

Intellectual / scientist from Unifesp

Bruno Konder Comparato

Representative of the Study and Research Groups (GEP)

Marcia Cristina Consolim

Henrique Zoqui Martins Parra

Representative of a social organization

Marta Raquel Colabone

Andréa de Araújo Nogueira

João Paulo Leite Guadanucci

CV Lattes

Founding President

Renato Janine Ribeiro

Ex-Membros do Conselho Deliberativo